Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Good start, Disney

I just wanted to take a moment to recognize the responsible corporate decision that the Walt Disney Company made to stop airing ads for junk food aimed at kids during kid-focused programming. This will potentially lose Disney revenue, so good for them for opting to do it anyway. Of course, I'm curious to see what their definition of "junk food" is - and what nutritional standards they are applying - and I'm not saying that this is the solution to all of our problems around childhood nutrition - but it is certainly a start.

"By 2015, all food and beverage products that are advertised, promoted or sponsored on the Disney ChannelDisney XD, Disney Junior, Radio Disney, Disney.com and Saturday morning programming for kids on ABC-owned stations (Disney owns ABC) will have to meet the company's nutrition criteria for limiting calories and reducing saturated fat, sodium and sugar."
Here is a link to the story.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Unpleasant reminder

As a rule, I do not step on the scale during my time of the month. It's just a horrible idea. Women can tend to gain a lot of weight during this particular time frame. I have read other blogs that have said the same thing, they are all quite correct and I know better.

That said, I was feeling pretty cocky and confident this morning because I kicked ass this weekend. I kept my calories under control, succeeded in my goal of adding more fruits and lots of veggies back into my daily eating and I got a ton of exercise. Friday, I did water aerobics for an hour, then I made sure to get my lunch walk in - a good 30 minutes of brisk walking, then I went dancing for about an hour and a half with my husband Friday night. Saturday, I walked for about 13 miles around Mission Bay. Sunday, I had a good 45 minute workout on the elliptical and then I went dancing again for about an hour and a half on Sunday night (fun and great exercise). So, I rocked. Like I said, I was feeling pretty confident and cocky this morning - I was sure, despite the fact of the time of the month, that I would step on the scale and be down. I stepped on and waited for the beautiful numbers. Up 3 pounds. Argh! Okay, lesson learned and confirmed. Do not step on the scale - no matter what - during that time of the month! Terrible, discouraging thing to do!